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Tri-Campus Digital Learning Alliance


The Tri-Campus Digital Learning Alliance (DLA) is a working group and advisory body that seeks to improve instructional practice and support for digital learning on all three campuses.

The DLA began in 2020 in response to the pandemic as an informal collaboration of tri-campus groups responsible for digital learning support. It was formally charged in Spring 2021 to carry on this work of cross-unit, tri-campus collaboration.

See the charge letter from June 2021 for more details:

DLA Charge letter


Members of the DLA represent the major, central digital learning-responsible groups on the UW’s three campuses and bring a range of expertise and existing resources to DLA work.

Current executive sponsors

  • Phil Reid, vice provost, Academic & Student Affairs and professor, Chemistry
  • Sharon Jones, vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, UW Bothell
  • Andrew Harris, executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, UW Tacoma
  • Andreas Bohman, vice president and CIO, UW-IT
  • Patrick Pow, vice chancellor, Information Technology, UW Tacoma
  • Amy Stutesman, interim assistant vice chancellor for IT and CIO, Information Technology, UW Bothell

Current members

  • Cinnamon Hillyard, associate vice chancellor for Student Success and associate professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell
  • Darcy Janzen, director of Digital Learning, executive director of the Faculty Resource Center and affiliate faculty, School of Education, UW Tacoma
  • Penelope Moon, director, Center for Teaching & Learning, Academic & Student Affairs and affiliate faculty, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell
  • Deborah Hathaway, director of learning and teaching, Office of Student Academic Success and affiliate faculty, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell
  • Perry Yee, Senior Online Learning Support Manager, Instructional Design and Outreach, UW Libraries
  • Marisa Nickle, senior director, Strategy & Academic Initiatives, Academic & Student Affairs
  • Janice Fournier, research scientist, Academic Experience Design & Delivery, UW-IT
  • Robyn Foshee, service manager, Academic Experience Design & Delivery, UW-IT
  • William Washington, user experience designer, Academic Experience Design & Delivery, UW-IT
  • El Schofield, associate director, Instructor Development, Continuum College
  • Jake Kulstad, assistant director, Learning Technologies, Academic & Student Affairs



The DLA and its executive sponsors have identified four goals to address in the 2021-2022 academic year:

Given the increased interest in hybrid and online learning, as well as the lingering confusion between emergency remote teaching and intentional online course design, the DLA aims to provide high-quality, well-vetted course evaluation tools for online and hybrid learning. These tools will reflect research-based practices that increase learner engagement and success in online learning environments, and can be used for planning as well as formative or summative evaluation.

To that end, the DLA has drafted an Online/hybrid Course Development & Teaching Evaluation Rubric to pilot with faculty and academic units over the next few quarters. Feel free to use the rubric as you are developing your course or as a tool to help you evaluate your own or your colleagues’ courses. Help us refine the draft by sharing your ideas and feedback through our contact form.

The DLA will work with colleagues to create a centralized online portal to make it easier for instructors to find relevant digital learning resources. The portal will initially point to existing resources, along with the evergreen content from the Teaching Remotely site and new resources created by the DLA.

As a new group, the DLA aims to establish itself as a visible collective of tri-campus expertise in digital learning at the UW. It will work to build a reputation by producing useful resources for digital learning while it raises awareness about the group’s charge to address common needs across UW’s three campuses.

The pandemic led to increased interest across UW’s three campuses in revisiting policies related to digital learning definitions, course proposals, and approvals. The DLA aims to leverage its shared expertise and tri-campus scope to identify areas in which policy could better support effective digital teaching and learning at the UW.

The group will draft recommendations for addressing areas of highest impact or concern in current digital learning policies, consult with its executive sponsors, and, as appropriate, follow up with the relevant governing bodies to support their work on these issues.

Contact us

If you’d like to share ideas, inquiries, or issues related to digital learning at the UW, please complete our contact form. The DLA will review your message at their next meeting and a member will reply shortly thereafter.