In higher education, “scholarship” or “research” typically refers to activity distinct from teaching and something we do outside the classroom. But the broader definition of scholarship – and the force animating higher education more generally – focuses on the process of questioning, scrutinizing, and analyzing our surroundings, and then revising and applying our understanding. This is an orientation we should, ideally, apply to our teaching.
On a formal level, the application of research methods to teaching contexts is known as the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). The field boasts an ever-growing list of peer-reviewed journals designed to publicly share findings. SoTL articles provide insight into how a particular teaching strategy or intervention worked in a specific context. If that context corresponds to our own teaching environment, you might find the conclusions of that article useful. If not, the article might, at best, provide some questions we can ask of our own teaching contexts. Because SoTL findings are often context specific, we should not think of SoTL as a handbook for how to teach.
It might be more helpful to think about SoTL dialogically. While it isn’t always the case, teaching-related research often taps personal experience – something’s not working in our classes, so we look for ways to fix it. Our personal experience and individual teaching contexts ALWAYS matter. The dialogue between our experiences in the classroom and SoTL is fertile soil for improving our teaching.
Instructors can most effectively engage in this dialogue by reflecting on your teaching and learning more about SoTL. This page includes a selection of SoTL-focused academic journals and interdisciplinary conferences that you might explore and/or contribute to. In addition, the page shares resources for those interested in conducting SoTL research.
If you have recommendations for additional periodicals or interdisciplinary conferences to add to the list, please let us know at
Teaching & Learning journals
Interdisciplinary journals
- Academe
- Active Learning in Higher Education
- Change
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- College Teaching
- Educational Researcher
- Hybrid Pedagogy: A Digital Journal of Learning, teaching, and Technology
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International
- Innovative Higher Education
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Journal of Classroom Interaction
- Journal of College Science Teaching
- Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
- Journal of General Education
- JITP: Journal of Interactive Technology & Pedagogy
- Journal of Higher Education
- Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL)
- JoTLT: Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology
- Liberal Education
- National Teaching and Learning Forum
- Phi Delta Kappan
- Public: A Journal of Imagining America
- Teaching and Learning Inquiry
- Teaching in Higher Education
Arts & Humanities journals
- Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
- Canadian Music Educator
- Contributions to Music Education
- International Journal of Music Education
- Journal of Historical Research in Music Education
- Journal of Research in Music Education
- Music Education Research
- Music Educators Journal
- Philosophy of Music Education Review
- Update: The Applications of Research in Music Education
Natural Sciences journals
Social Sciences journals
- Black Collegian
- Black Issues in Higher Education
- Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
- Journal of Negro Education
- Race, Ethnicity, and Education
- Anthropology and Education Quarterly
- Anthropology Today
- Communication Education
- Journalism and Mass Communication Educator
- Media and Methods
- Journal of Economic Education
- Journal of Geography
- Journal of Geography in Higher Education
- History Teacher
- Teaching History
- Teaching History (London Historical Association)
- Education about Asia
- Journal of Political Science Education
- Perspectives on Political Science
- Political Science and Politics
- Talking Politics
- Teaching Political Science
- Cognition and Instruction
- Journal of Educational Psychology
- Journal of Instructional Psychology
- Teaching of Psychology
- Journal of Public Affairs Education
- Social Education
- Theory and Research in Social Education
- Teaching Sociology
- Feminist Pedagogy
- Feminist Teacher
Built Environments journals
Business journals
Education journals
Law journals
Engineering journals
- ASEE Prism
- Chemical Engineering Education
- Computer Science Education
- Frontiers in Education – Conference Proceedings
- International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education
- International Journal of Engineering Education
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education
- Journal of Computing in Higher Education
- Journal of Educational Computing Research
- Journal of Educational Technology Systems
- Journal of Engineering Education
- Journal of Information Systems Education
- Journal of Information Technology Education
- Journal of Research on Technology in Education
Environmental studies journals
Information science journals
Medicine/health sciences journals
Social work journals
Teaching & Learning interdisciplinary conferences and symposia:
- UW Teaching & Learning Symposium
- Association of American Colleges & Universities Meetings and Events
- Improving University Teaching
- International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Lilly Conferences: Evidence-Based Teaching & Learning
- National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education
- The Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy
- Teaching Professor Conference
Interested in conducting SoTL research?
If you are interested in conducting classroom-based research about effective teaching strategies, the following resources can help you get started.
- Office of Research. Your campus’s office of research can provide you with information about developing a research plan, applying for funding, and managing a research study.
- UW Human Subjects Division This resource can help ensure that your research plan and data collection complies with federal guidelines.